Smoking Cessation

Do you feel stuck between wanting to be a healthy, happy non-smoker and feeling you need cigarettes to cope with the ups and downs of life?

Have you tried to quit before with willpower or medication, only to struggle and relapse because of overwhelming cravings, stress, or weight gain?

Are you looking for an effective way to quit smoking without missing cigarettes, but feel you have heard it all before and do not know where to start?

If you answer yes to any or all, you are not alone.  Millions of people try and fail to quit smoking every year.

Logically, you want nothing more than to quit smoking.  Emotionally, you find it impossible.  

Can you afford not to quit!  A two-session treatment plan could work out a lot cheaper.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is the current treatment of choice for smoking cessation and widely recommended by the media and information services set up to assist smokers to quit.  It refers to the use of nicotine patches, inhalers, chewing gum, etc.  According to Spiegel et al. (1993), the fact that the presence of withdrawal effects from nicotine does not correlate with relapse rates suggests that the psychological factors in smoking cessation may outweigh the biochemical effects of nicotine dependence.  Research comparing many different studies of hypnotherapy has shown, on average, smokers are more than five times more likely to break the habit with hypnosis than by willpower alone.  Hypnotherapy in general is also proven to be more than twice as effective compared to nicotine gum.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 different compounds, a considerable number of them are toxic and so damage your cells; many of them are carcinogenic (cause cancer).  53 non-fatal diseases caused by smoking and 19 fatal diseases caused by smoking.  That is at least 4,072 reasons to quit!

In session we will establish your personal reasons for wanting to quit and identifying trigger situations for relapse prevention.

Use of simple cue-controlled relaxation techniques prepare you for further work and provide stress management tool, while visual imagery is taught to subvert use of smoking as a tranquilliser.  Thought-stopping techniques with positive coping statements will tackle cravings, targeting key trigger situations and identifying personal coping statements / positive affirmations.  Hypnosis using cognitive time projection imagery to reinforce reasons for wanting to quit and positive goal imagery.  And finally self-efficacy with focus on controlling habits and relapse prevention tools are provided.