Welcome to Zeal Therapy

Zeal Therapy believes in the power of combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Hypnosis to help you overcome challenges, allowing you to live to your full potential.  Zeal provide a unique approach with great energy and enthusiasm in pursuit of empowering you to make positive changes.


A word from the therapist 

"Often I sit in therapy rooms and listen to clients who have tried therapy but are still presenting in a therapy room with persisting problems. I also hear people say, "I can't be hypnotised" or "Hypnosis didn't work" [please read testimonials].  This is a simple combination of two treatments that allow you to be more open to therapy and so allowing the therapy to work effectively. This is a more integrated personal approach moulded to the individual. It loses the square pegs, round holes approach to therapeutic practice."

A brief explanation 

Using cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy, clients are guided in addressing emotions, thoughts, and behaviours that keep them locked in an uncomfortable negative cycle; cycles that are often extremely difficult to break out of alone. 

An Isle of Man Based Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist offering appointments in person on Island, or alternatively via Zoom, allowing you to work in the comfort of your own home.  Please note, remote access work will depend on the necessary treatment.